Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=┴iδⁿ°i±≥ⁿ 3D-iπε≡ ∩≡α÷■■≥ⁿ Ω≡α∙σ ∩≡Φ Ωσ°-∩ ∞` ≥│ Σ≡≤πεπε ≡iΓφ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 256 ╩ßαΘ≥.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=─δ ßαπα≥ⁿε⌡ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπε≡ ∩ε≥≡ißφε ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ τ ≈α±≥ε≥ε■ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 1 ├π÷.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=─δ ßiδⁿ°-∞σφ° Ωε∞⌠ε≡≥φε┐ ≡εßε≥Φ Γ Windows 9x ∩ε≥≡ißφε ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ τ ≈α±≥ε≥ε■ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 100 ╠π÷.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=─δ ßiδⁿ°-∞σφ° Ωε∞⌠ε≡≥φε┐ ≡εßε≥Φ Γ Windows 2000+ ∩ε≥≡ißφε ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ τ ≈α±≥ε≥ε■ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 300 ╠π÷.
MMX is not supported.=MMX φσ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± .
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE φσ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± . ┘εß ∩iΣΓΦ∙Φ≥Φ °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ ≡εßε≥Φ ΣεΣα≥ΩiΓ, ε∩≥Φ∞│τεΓαφΦ⌡ Σδ iφ±≥≡≤Ω÷iΘ SSE, τα∞iφ│≥ⁿ ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ φα ßiδⁿ° ±≤≈α±φ│°ΦΘ.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=┬Φ Γδσφε ∞σφ°σ ≥≡ⁿε⌡ ≡ετΘε∞│Γ Σδ ∞εΣ≤δiΓ ∩α∞' ≥i. ╨ετ°Φ≡σφφ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i ∞εµσ ß≤≥Φ ±ΩδαΣφΦ∞.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=╙ ±Φ±≥σ∞i Γ±≥αφεΓδσφΦΘ ∞σφ° φ│µ 32 ╠ßαΘ≥ ╬╟╙.
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=─δ ßiδⁿ°-∞σφ° Ωε∞⌠ε≡≥φε┐ ≡εßε≥Φ ±≤≈α±φΦ∞ ε∩σ≡α÷iΘφΦ∞ ±Φ±≥σ∞α∞ φσεß⌡iΣφε φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 128 ╠ßαΘ≥ ╬╟╙.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=─δ ε∩≥Φ∞αδⁿφε┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥i Σσ ΩΦ∞ 3D-iπ≡α∞ ∩ε≥≡ißφε φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 256 ╠ßαΘ≥ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=─δ ε∩≥Φ∞αδⁿφε┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥i ±σ≡Γσ≡φΦ∞ ⌠≤φΩ÷i ∞ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 256 ╠ßαΘ≥ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=┘εß ∩iΣΓΦ∙Φ≥Φ °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ ≡εßε≥Φ ΣεΣα≥ΩiΓ, τßiδⁿ°│≥ⁿ εß± π ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=╫│∩±σ≥ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩δα≥Φ φσ τΣα≥φΦΘ Ωσ°≤Γα≥Φ ≤±■ ±Φ±≥σ∞φ≤ ∩α∞' ≥ⁿ.
External cache is asynchronous.=╟εΓφi°φiΘ Ωσ° -- α±Φφ⌡≡εφφΦΘ.
External cache is disabled.=╟εΓφi°φiΘ Ωσ° ΓiΣΩδ■≈σφΦΘ.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=┬Φ Γδσφα ∩α∞' ≥ⁿ ∩εΓiδⁿφεπε ≥Φ∩≤ (FPM / EDO / BEDO). ╧ε ∞εµδΦΓε±≥i τα∞iφΦ≥σ ┐┐ φα SDRAM ≈Φ RDRAM.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=─δ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπε≡ ∩ε≥≡ißφε °ΓΦΣΩα ∩α∞' ≥ⁿ (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).
AGP is disabled.=AGP ΓiΣΩδ■≈σφΦΘ.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=╨ετ∞i≡ α∩σ≡≥≤≡Φ AGP ∩σ≡σΓσ≡°≤║ ∩εδεΓΦφ≤ εß± π≤ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=╧ε≥ε≈φα °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ AGP ∞σφ°σ, φiµ ∞αΩ±Φ∞αδⁿφε ∞εµδΦΓα.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=╤Φ±≥σ∞φεΦ≤ BIOS ≤µσ ßiδⁿ°σ ΣΓε⌡ ≡εΩiΓ. ╧≡Φ φσεß⌡iΣφε±≥i εßφεΓ│≥ⁿ Θεπε.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=BIOS ΓiΣσεαΣα∩≥σ≡α Γµσ ßiδⁿ°σ ΣΓε⌡ ≡εΩiΓ. ╧≡Φ φσεß⌡iΣφε±≥i εßφεΓ│≥ⁿ Θεπε.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=╙±≥αφεΓδσφε ≥iδⁿΩΦ εΣΦφ ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡, Γα≡≥ε τ∞iφΦ≥Φ HAL φα εΣφε∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡φΦΘ.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=┬α°α ±Φ±≥σ∞α ∩iΣ⌡εΣΦ≥ⁿ Σδ ≡εßε≥Φ τ Windows 2000+. ╧εΣ≤∞αΘ≥σ ∩≡ε ∩σ≡σ⌡iΣ φα φεΓ≤ ╬╤.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=┬α°α ±Φ±≥σ∞α ∩iΣ⌡εΣΦ≥ⁿ Σδ ≡εßε≥Φ τ Windows 98/Me. ╧εΣ≤∞αΘ≥σ ∩≡ε ∩σ≡σ⌡iΣ φα φεΓ≤ ╬╤.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=╧αΩσ≥ εßφεΓδσφⁿ τα±≥α≡iΓ. ─δ ≡εßε≥Φ τ Windows NT ≡σΩε∞σφΣ≤║≥ⁿ± ≤±≥αφεΓΦ≥Φ Service Pack 5+.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows ßστ≤∩Φφφε ∩≡α÷■║ ßiδⁿ°σ 10 ΣφiΓ. »┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφi±≥ⁿ ∞εµσ τ≡ε±≥Φ ∩i±δ ∩σ≡σταΓαφ≥αµσφφ .
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer τα±≥α≡iΓ. ╨σΩε∞σφΣ≤║≥ⁿ± ≤±≥αφεΓΦ≥Φ Γσ≡±i■ 5.0 ≈Φ φεΓ│°σ.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=═σ ΓΦ Γδσφε Σ≡αΘΓσ≡Φ DirectX. ┬εφΦ ΓΦ∞απα■≥ⁿ± Σδ ßαπα≥ⁿε⌡ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ ΣεΣα≥ΩiΓ i iπε≡.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=─≡αΘΓσ≡Φ DirectX τα±≥α≡iδΦ. ─δ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ iπε≡ ∩ε≥≡ißφε DirectX 7 i φεΓ│°σ.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=┬Φ Γδσφε ∞σφ° φ│µ 4 ╠ßαΘ≥ ΓiΣσε∩α∞' ≥i. ─δ Ω≡α∙ε┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥i τα∞iφ│≥ⁿ ±ΓiΘ ΓiΣσεαΣα∩≥σ≡ φα ßiδⁿ° ±Φδⁿφ│°ΦΘ.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=╤≤≈α±φΦ∞ iπ≡α∞ ∩ε≥≡ißφε φσ ∞σφ°σ 32 ╠ßαΘ≥ ΓiΣσε∩α∞' ≥i.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=─δ ∩iΣΓΦ∙σφφ Γiτ≤αδⁿφε┐ Ωε±≥i τßiδⁿ°│≥ⁿ πδΦßΦφ≤ Ωεδⁿε≡≤.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=─σ Ωi ΣεΣα≥ΩΦ ∩≡α÷■■≥ⁿ Ω≡α∙σ Γ ≡σµΦ∞i 32-≡ετ≡ Σφεπε ∩≡σΣ±≥αΓδσφφ Ωεδⁿε≡≤.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=┬ΦΩε≡Φ±≥αφφ ΓσδΦΩΦ⌡ °≡Φ⌠≥iΓ ∞εµσ ΓΦΩδΦΩα≥Φ ∩≡εßδσ∞Φ τ ┐⌡ ΓiΣεß≡αµσφφ ∞ ≤ ∩≡επ≡α∞α⌡, ∙ε Σδ ÷ⁿεπε φσ ≡ετ≡α⌡εΓαφ│.
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic displays.=─δ Ωδα±Φ≈φΦ⌡ ∞εφi≥ε≡iΓ ≡σΩε∞σφΣ≤║≥ⁿ± Γ±≥αφεΓδ■Γα≥Φ ≈α±≥ε≥≤ ΩαΣ≡iΓ φσ φΦµ≈σ 85 ├÷.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=┘εß ∩iΣΓΦ∙Φ≥Φ °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ ∩σ≡σΣα≈i ΣαφΦ⌡ ≤ ∞σ≡σµi, ≤Ωδ■≈│≥ⁿ ±≥Φ±Ω IP-ταπεδεΓΩεΓ.
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± 32-≡ετ≡ ΣφΦΘ ≡σφΣσ≡Φφπ. ┬iφ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± Z-ß≤⌠σ≡. ┬iφ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± 32-ßi≥φΦΘ Z-ß≤⌠σ≡. ┬iφ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± αφiτε≥≡ε∩φα ⌠iδⁿ≥≡α÷i . ┬εφα ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤■≥ⁿ± °αßδεφφΦΘ (Stencil) ß≤⌠σ≡. ┬εφΦ ∞εµ≤≥ⁿ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤■≥ⁿ± α∩α≡α≥φi ⌠≤φΩ÷i┐ ≥≡αφ±⌠ε≡∞≤Γαφφ i ΓΦ±Γi≥δσφφ . ┬εφΦ ∞εµ≤≥ⁿ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.